[The original text was written in Greek in January 2022. It was being distributed, during the winter and spring, in protests of suspended health workers and of health workers –in general– against the NHS restructuring. Read the whole translation in pdf here.]
If someone was to follow the (mostly left-wing or anti-authoritarian) vaccine-fetishists’ boisterous monologues, they would certainly be impressed by their brazen, persistent efforts to conceal the fact that the state universal mass vaccination programs (which they vehemently support from the outset) unquestionably entail direct control over the collective proletarian body; be it in the workplaces or in spaces of consumption and social reproduction, through the imposition of a fluid and flexible apartheid-like system, in which the today’s (forcibly) “compliant” and “vaccinated” citizen can be excluded from spheres of social life at any moment, categorized as “unvaccinated”.
Within the digital, self-referential bubble in social media where this pro-vaccination faction is found busy politicking, exchanging predictable clichés –fundamentally threatening to the interests of our class–, our simple everyday experiences from the places of our wage exploitation disappear artfully.
Because the imposition of the capital relation –from the beginning and since then, constantly– entails both direct and indirect blackmail that has to remain hidden
Because the social causes of the pandemic –directly linked to the spiral movement of capitalist (re)production– must also remain hidden.
Because the public debate on the essence of the state management of the pandemic must be hindered
Because the proletarian needs –increased due to the pandemic– must be further suppressed
Because the policies of internal devaluation, through which they have plundered the direct and indirect wages of workers for the last ten years, must be continued – to an even higher degree
Because the (weak) proletarian struggles against old and new techniques of discipline and control must remain minority, non-mass struggles, and thus invisible.
Continue reading “[Leaflet] The Vaccine and its Multiple (Practical & Ideological) Uses”