Today (15/04/20), The Assembly against Bio-Power & Confinement carried out a mass counter-information action in support of workers in different neighborhoods at the center of Athens. Taking all necessary precautions, we found ourselves in the streets with working people of our class, discussing and sharing common fears and concerns. We demonstrated in practice that solidarity for us does not mean “everyone in their private cell” and “everyone for himself”, like the state and its personnel attempt to convince us every day. We discovered with joy that we are not alone in this situation, that the proletarians didn’t fall for the fairy tale that the pandemic is a “matter of individual responsibility”, or that the state and the bosses are putting up a fight for our own good. So, from our point of view, we are already setting the stage in order for the motto “we will deal with you later” to not be just a figure of speech.Below is the text of the action and some photos


-The ones among us working in super markets, delivery services, pet shops, pharmacies and hospitals have not entered quarantine. We work in health-devastating conditions, forced to work overtime, some of us with lower wages and without the proper means of protection against the virus.

Continue reading “Leaflet/ WE ARE TOLD TO ENTER QUARANTINE, BUT:”

Poster/Subverted Text/leaflet


Infection from new coronavirus  (COVID-19)


How serious are the consequences of the state management of infections caused by 2019-nCoV?

Infections caused from 2019-nCoV are severe, especially for elderly above 70 and patients with long-term conditions (hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, hepatic or respiratory diseases) as a result of the tragic condition of the public health system, because of long-term implementation of harsh austerity measures, labour depreciation and decrease of workforce.

Equally serious are the effects on employees in:

Hospitals, super-markets, delivery services and call-centres

as they are forced to work at health devastating hectic pace,extremely long hours, Continue reading “Poster/Subverted Text/leaflet”

Against Bio-power and Confinement

The Assembly Against Bio-Power and Confinement — confinement imposed on us by the all-protective state in the days of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic — is an initiative taken by some proletarians so as not to succumb to the “new sociability” implied by the mantra “stay home”… alone. It is a sociability that the political personnel of capital wants to impose on us preparing the dystopia of the anti-social, individualistic, lonely and helpless person.

First of all, we want to research whether the ways in which capital and the state are trying to organize their exit from the crisis and the disorderin which they find themselves due to the pandemic are successful. Can these ways guarantee the restoration of order and capitalist normality in more profitable and disciplinary terms than before? Continue reading “Against Bio-power and Confinement”

The Initial call

Against the harmful effects of the “stay home” ideology for proletarian self-organization

In the time of pandemic (which is certainly favoured by the capitalist mode of production, if not directly arising from it), it is more than ever evident that the function of the capitalist state entails the protection of capital and labour in general, however on terms that will not allow the self-activity of the working class.

Faced with a new “invisible enemy” in the midst of a continuing crisis of reproduction of the capitalist relations, the state chooses to shut down certain sectors (relating to the circulation of non-essential commodities) and imposes measures to protect at the lowest possible cost the largest part of the necessary labour power, having already proscribed a section of it. Continue reading “The Initial call”